
Titre original

© David McKay Company, Inc.
  Titre de la traduction Shalom, Aviva !
Editeur David McKay Company, Inc.
Lieu d'édition New York
Année de l'édition 1970
Année du copyright

1968 (Flammarion); 1970 pour la traduction (David McKay Company, Inc.)

Langue Anglais
Genre Roman
Publisher's presentation

What happens when a 20th-century Candide falls in love with a beautiful female non-com in the Israeli Army ? Shalom, Aviva ! is what happens. Shalom, Aviva ! is a hilarious novel about the pursuit of a dream – from a stuffy provincial French salon, where a French mother acts like a Jewish one, to a rugged Israeli kibbutz, where a Jewish father acts just like a French one. Shalom, Aviva ! is the story of how a member of the Now Generation runs head-on into a nation of pioneers and gets some painfully comic lumps. Shalom, Aviva ! is an experiment in assimilation, written with love and chutzpah.

© David McKay Company, Inc. et Christine Arnothy
© Christine Arnothy